This paper was prepared to fulfill the task independently
Course Codes: Islamic Education
Pengampu Lecturer: Dra. U.S. afiyah Hj M.Sc.
Produced By:
FACULTY Tarbiyah
Every thing must have a purpose. Humans live in the world would have a purpose. And so also with Islamic education. In ushuliyah adage states that: "al-age bi maqashidiha", that every action and activities should be oriented to the goals or plans that have been defined. This maxim shows that education should be oriented to the goal, not simply a row-oriented material.
In this paper the author will try to elaborate on the purpose of Islamic education. Because we know to change a nation for a better future. Ie with increasing HR (Human Resources) the nation itself. Qualified human resources will only be created, one that is through Islamic education. Therefore, in order to achieve a quality Islamic education. Can not, we must first know the purpose of Islamic education itself.
Therefore in this paper I will try to discuss about the objectives of Islamic education. Criticisms and suggestions are my hope, for anyone who read this paper. In order for the betterment of my papers berikunya.
As already mentioned in the introduction. Namely that every action and activities should be oriented to the goals and plans that have been defined. The purpose of Islamic education into the educational component must be formulated first before formulating educational components of the other. Before we continue the discussion about the purpose of Islamic education. What is the purpose? And what is the purpose of Islamic education?
The purpose is the business standard that can be determined, and direct the efforts that will pass and is a starting point to achieve other goals. In addition, can restrict the purpose of business space, so kegitan can focus on what is desired, and above all else is able to provide assessment or evaluation of educational efforts.
Formulation of the objectives of Islamic education should be oriented on the nature of education that includes several aspects, such as about: First, the purpose and tasks of human life. Man shall not live by chance and futile. He was created with a purpose and a specific life tasks (Surah Ali-Imran: 191). The purpose of human created only to serve Allah SWT. Indications task of worship (as' abd Allah) and the task as his deputy in the face of the earth (the Caliph of Allah). Firman Allah SWT:
قل ان صلاتى ونسكى ومحيا ى ومماتى لله ربالعا لمين
"Verily my prayers, worship, life and death is only for Allah, Lord of the universe." (Surat al-An'am: 162)
Second, notice the basic nature of man, namely the concept of man as a unique creature that has some inherent potential, like nature, talents, interests, character, and character, which the al-berkecendrungan HANIEF (longing for the truth of God) in the form of the religion of Islam (Surat al-Kahf: 29) limited the ability, capacity, and measures.
Third, the demands of society. This demands both a preservation of cultural values that already exist in the life of a society, as well as compliance with the demands of their needs in anticipation of the modern world.
Fourth, the dimensions kehidupsn Islamic ideal. Dimensions of the life of the Islamic ideal world contains values that can improve the welfare of human life in the world to manage and utilize the world as stock in the next life, and contains values that encourage people worked hard to achieve in the next life is more happy, so people are not required to be bound by chain worldly or material wealth owned. However, poverty and destitution in the world also must be eradicated, because of poverty and poverty makes the human threat to kekufuran.Dalam Hadith says: "The al-faqr kada an yakuna kufran", poverty is only bringing hanpir disbelief. So should the life of the world and the hereafter must be balanced. In order to achieve kbahagian in the world and the Hereafter future happiness.
The purpose of Islamic education has some specific principles, in order to achieve educational goals. These principles are:
1. Universal principles (syumuliyah). The principle of looking at the whole aspect of religion (creed, worship and morality, and muamalah), human (physical, spiritual, and nafsani), society and order of life, and the shape of the universe and life. This principle led to the formulation of educational goals by opening, developing and educating all aspects of the human person and the willingness-willingness of all power, and cultural circumstances menimgkatkan, social, economic, and political will to solve all the problems in dealing with future demands.
2. The principle of balance and simplicity (tawazun iqtishadiyah qa). This principle is the balance between the various aspects of life in the private, the various needs of individuals and communities, and past the culture maintenance demands with the needs of contemporary culture and trying to overcome the problems that are and will happen.
3. Principle of clarity (tabayun). The principle in which the teachings and laws that give clarity to the human psyche (qalb, intellect, and passions) and legal problems encountered, to realize a goal, curricula and educational methods.
4. The principle is not contradictory. Principle where there is absence of conflict between the various elements and how its implementation, so that between one component with other components to support each other.
5. The principle of realism and can be implemented. The principle that stated kekhayalan absence of educational programs in the womb, not exaggerated, and the rules that are practical and realistic, which according to the nature and conditions of socioeconomic, sociopolitical, and sociocultural there.
6. Principle desirable changes. The principle changes in the structure of the human self that includes physical, ruhaniyah and nafsaniyah; and psiologis conditions change, sociological, knowledge, concepts, pikirn, skills, values, attitudes of learners to achieve educational excellence dynamics (Surat ar-Ra'd: 11 ).
7. Maintain the principle of individual differences. The principle that students notice the difference, both the characteristics, needs, intelligence, skill, interests, attitudes, stage of physical maturation, intellect, emotion, social, and all its aspects. This principle rests on the assumption that all individuals 'not equal' with others.
8. Dynamic principle in accepting the changes and developments as well as perpetrators of environmental education where education is carried out.
Hilda Taba mengemukan basic principles in the formulation of educational objectives as follows:
• The definition should include aspects of goal form the expected behavior (mental process) and related materials (products).
• The goals of the complex should be arranged in a well-established, analytical and specific, so the obvious forms of behavior are expected.
• The formulation should be clear to the formation of the desired behavior with a specific learning activities.
• Tujan is essentially reflecting the developmental direction to be achieved.
• The formulation should be realistic and should include translation into the curriculum and learning experience.
• Goals should include all aspects of the development of learners is the responsibility of the school.
In the process of education, the ultimate goal is the crystallization of the values embodied in the person wants to learners. The end goal should be complete (comprehensive) covers all aspects, as well as integrated in the ideal personality patterns and complete the round. The ultimate goal of containing Islamic values in all its aspects, namely the normative aspects, functional aspects, and operational aspects. This led to the achievement of educational goals is not easy, even a very complex and contain the risk of mental-spiritual, even more so regarding the internalization of Islamic values, in which there is faith, Islam, Ihsan, and science became the main pillars.
Secarateoritis, the final goal can be divided into three parts, namely:
1. Normative goal. Objectives to be achieved on the basis of norms that could crystallized values to be internalized, for example:
• Goals provide formative nature of corrective basic preparation.
• Goals that are selectively providing the ability to distinguish things that are right and wrong.
• determinative goal is to give the ability to direct themselves to the goals that aligned with the educational process.
• Goal integrative nature provides the ability to integrate mental functions (thoughts, feelings, wishes, memories, and passions) to the final destination.
• the nature of applied Tujan enables the application of all knowledge that has been gained in the educational experience.
2. Functional purpose. The purpose of the target aimed at prserta ability to enable the students cognitive, affective, and psychomotor education from the results obtained, in accordance with the set. These objectives include:
• individual goal, which targets at providing the individual's ability to practice the values that have been internalized into a personal form of moral, intellectual and skill.
• social objective, which target the practice of granting the ability to values in social life, interpersonal, and interactional with others in the community.
• moral purpose, which targets at providing the ability to behave in accordance with the moral demands of motivational force which is based on religion (teogenetis), social encouragement (sosiogenetis), psychological impulse (psikogenetis), and biological urge (biogenetic).
• professional goal, which targets at providing the ability to apply their expertise, in accordance with the competencies possessed.
3. Operational objectives. Objectives that have manajeria technical sasran. According to Langeveld, this goal is divided into six kinds, namely:
• general objectives (total goals). According Kohnstam and Guning, these goals seek human form kamil, the man who can show the harmony and the harmony between body and soul, both in terms of mental health, individual life, and for the life together that makes the integrity of the three core human nature.
• special purpose. The purpose of this as an indication of the general objectives, namely tujua education tailored to the particular circumstances, both related to the development aspirations of a nation, the task of an agency or educational institution, talent ability students, such as providing knowledge and skills to students for supplies her life after she graduated, and is a basic preparation for transfer to the next level of education.
• Goal incomplete. This goal is related to the human personality from one aspect only, which relate to the values of life, such as morality, religion, kaindahan, kemsyarakatan, knowledge, and so on. Each aspect is a turn handling (priority) or the education business dalan forward together separately.
• Incidental purpose (immediate objectives). These goals arise by chance, an emergent, and is a moment, such a body prayer when someone dies.
• Goals while. Objectives to be achieved in certain phases of the general objectives, such as the phase where the goal children learn to read and write.
• Goal intermedier. Objectives related to mastery of knowledge and skills for the achievement of objectives as, for example, children learn to read and write, count and so on.
Tujuuan components of education in not only focused on that goal is theoretical, but also practical sasrannya aims at giving students practical skills. This is done so that after completing his studies, they can apply their knowledge with full authority and professional competence have given has been sufficient.
Efforts to accomplish the purpose of education should be conducted with as much as possible, despite the fact that humans can not find perfection in every way. Athiyah al-Abrasyi compose poem a poem: "Every thing has worked goal to achieve, a person free to make the achievement of objectives at the highest level."
Abd al-Rahman Saleh Abd Allah in his book, Edcationl Theory, a Qur'anic Outlook, stating the purpose of Islamic education can be classified into four dimensions, namely:
1. The purpose of physical education (al-ahdaf al-jismiyah).
Prepare themselves as bearers of human beings on Earth caliph task, through the physical skills. He rests on the opinion of Imam Nawawi, who interpreted the "al-qawy" As with the power of faith is supported by physical force.
2. The purpose of spiritual education (al-ahdaf al-ruhaniyah)
Increasing the soul of loyalty only to Allah, alone and implement a model Islamic morality by the Prophet Muhammad. Based on the ideals in the Qur'an.
3. Common educational goals (al-ahdaf al-aqliyah)
Intelligence briefing to find the truth and its causes with the study of signs of God and find the messages of his verses that have implications for increasing faith in the Creator.
4. Social education goals (al-ahdaf al-ajtimaiyah)
The purpose of social education is the formation of the whole personality that is part of the social community. Individual's identity is reflected here as "al-nas" who live in the community yng plural (plural).
Ali Ashraf offers Islamic educational goals with: "the realization of absolute submission to Allah SWT., At the individual level, society, and humanity in general". The purpose is crystallization of the special purpose of Islamic education, which is according to Ashraf, the special purpose of Islamic education are:
• Develop spiritual insights deepened, and to develop a rational understanding of Islam in the context of modern life.
• provide young people with a variety of knowledge and virtue, good practical knowledge, power, prosperity, social environment, and national development.
• Develop the ability to self-learners to appreciate and justify the comparative superiority of Islamic culture and civilization over all other cultures.
• Improving emotional impulses through imaginative experience, so that creative ability can flourish and function to know the Islamic norms of right and wrong.
• Helping students who are growing to learn to think logically and guiding the thought process based on the hypothesis and the concepts of knowledge required.
• Develop a relational and environmental perspectives as desired in Islam, with the happiness of good practice.
• Develop, refine, and deepen the ability to communicate in written and spoken language.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that the goal of Islamic education are: Establishment of "insan kamil (perfect human) that have Qur'ani faces, the behavior is consistent with the guidance of the Qur'an. Kaffah human creation that has a religious dimension, cultural and scientific. And also the awareness of human functions As with the servant, the Caliph of Allah, as well as the heir to the Prophet (warasat al-Anbiya) and provide adequate provisions in the context of the implementation of these functions.
Education should aim to achieve balanced growth in the total human personality through spiritual training, intelligence, reason, feelings, and senses. Therefore, education should be service to human growth in all its aspects, including aspects of spiritual, intellectual, amajinasi, physical, scientific, linguistic, either individually, or collectively, and to motivate all these aspects towards goodness and achievement of perfection. The main purpose of education in the realization bertump submission to Allah SWT. both in the level of individuals, communities, and people at large.
Ahmad D. Marimba, Introduction to Philosophy of Education, (Bandung: al-Ma'arif, 1989)
Langgulung Hasan, Human, and Education; A Psychological Analysis and Education, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Husna, 1989)
Omar Muhammad al-Tumi al-Syaiban, Philosophy of Islamic Education, trans. Hasan Langgulung (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1997)
Muhaimin, Concept of Islamic Education, Curriculum Studies Principal Components, (Solo: Romadhoni, 1991)
Ngalim Purwanto, Science Theoretical and Practical Education, (Bandung: Remaja Karya, 1988)
Abu Nur Ahmadi and Uhbiyati, Science Education (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1991)
Abd al-Rahman Saleh Abd Allah, Educational Theories Based on the Qur'an, the original title: Edutional Theory, a Qur'anic Outlook, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1991)
Ali Ashraf, New Horizon Islamic Education, trans. Husen Sayed Nasr, (Jakarta: Firdaus, 1939)
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